pretty cool
I liked the art and stuff. You're basically remaking what we've already seen though, which is kinda odd, so I'm not sure if I'd follow it considering it's just what I've seen in the game. it was very well done though, definitely.
The voice acting was ok. Kairi was good, Riku was pretty good, and the "man" was good as well, but Sora got on my nerves. I have a feeling it's probably the same voice as the other males, but Sora was way too deep. You should've casted someone who can do a higher younger voice. And he also did the "fake" scream which really bugs me. If your'e going to have your character yell or scream, please scream into the microphone. I have a lot of yells and screams in my voice demo :p That's sorta my thing, so it probably bothers me more than others. Just a word of advice for next time. Just scream and yell, please. It sounds so much more genuine then whispering a scream as you did, it's very noticeable and sounds awful. When he yelled "KAIRI" That could've been a great moment, but it was lost, sorry.
great job overall.