ups and downs
It wasn't very consistent. You'd sometimes have Dante looking very cool and mature as he fell through air, then you'd have him looking all cartoony and squat. I can tell you are good at animation and artwork, but it seemed like parts were rushed and if more time was taken, it could've come out better. Just some of the movements looked real choppy. You should've posted auditions for voice actors though because the voices were pretty bad, sorry to say. The lines they were given didn't help either - he said Dude way too much. Surfer Dante? It could've used many more sound effects as well
Virgil looked kidna like a lizard...maybe it was his eyes. And you should've given him a better disguise. A hoodie wasn't much of a disguise - looked like Dante was fighting someone from Tony Hawk, actually. It was a good flash overall, but I just didn't find it really entertaining, sorry. It needs some planning. You're obviously talented, but you need to find your own style. Good luck on future projects.